Beck Nicholas Willbanks was born on September 18 at 3:26 pm. He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. My water broke at 11:30 pm on the 17th and by 2:00 pm the next day I had only progressed to a 5 so they decided to take him via c-section. I have to say, other than the fact that they could barely get him out because he was so big, the c-section really wasn't that bad. I tend to build things up in my head so much I guess I was pleasantly surprised, plus I had a beautiful baby boy out of the deal :)
It has been pretty hard to adjust, but I think we are finally getting the hang of things. He has started to smile a little bit and we can't wait for all of the milestones yet to come...